Our Purpose


The Miracle is always a shift from fear to love, from separation to oneness, darkness to light or from illusions to the Truth. Our purpose as Teachers of A Course in Miracles is simply to join with you in this Holy Encounter of Light. Our goal is to extend the realization of this Awakening from the dream and walk with you  in the real world of Healing and Forgiveness.

We invite you to join with us in realizing the Reality of Love and the true nature of the Universal Mind of God here and now.

 “The Miracle is always a shift from fear to love, from separation to oneness, darkness to light or from illusions to the Truth.”

 The transformation necessary to experience yourself as you were created in truth is always a miracle, and the conditions for the transformation can only be experienced in the Holy Instant through the grace our forgiveness offers us. Experience will always come as we clear the path for it within our hearts and minds. It has been my joy to discover the light beyond the veil of my perceptions through joining with my brothers and sisters in what we like to call, The Miracle Encounter!

Along our path, both Liliana and I have witnessed the awakening of hundreds of our brothers and sisters around the world. We feel a spiritual bond with all of them that will endure forever. Like a great fabric of light, each individual becomes part of a whole energetic extension of Love and Light never before imagined. This encounter with your Universal Self is Real and available right now. It is through deep personal experience we can say to each of you who choose to join us now, ” Welcome to The Light”.

In humble gratitude, I stand with you in this holy moment of our encounter with God and our true Self, as we now recognize who we really are.

Thank you for joining with us. Your healing time is Now.

Indeed, this is your time of enlightenment and awakening. Welcome to the final journey… A journey that has taken no time at all and simply ended at the place where it was begun.

Welcome Home!                Tony C.