• I am awake

    Forgiveness is the way

    by Tony C.

    One of the major goals of The Course in Miracles is a radical shift in the way in which you think about yourself. As part of the reversal of your entire thought system, it becomes a completely new and expanded experience of everything and everyone as a whole part of your mind, not the other way around.


    So the first thing I would say here is that I am not of this world, not really in the world, but observing a projection of my own mind which in fact I am waking up from at this moment. I laugh and live and love and sing and dance and write poetry and songs, I love to play music and listen to melodies and harmonies and swim in the ocean and hear the birdsong in the spring. I can heal with my hands, but I am more than a healer. I teach many ideas, but I am more than a teacher. I can write down the truth I feel in my heart but it doesn’t even touch the Real Truth. Maybe I am just the guy who built your house, or the one who painted your room, or cooked your dinner or shoveled the snow. Indeed, these things seem real to the one observing himself from the perspective that he is a product of this world, but I am here to tell you, I am a creation of God, eternal and free.. I am one with God, universal consciousness, waking up to the glory of a perfect reality which I share with you and all there is.


    When the Buddha was ask if he was God, He said no. He was asked, are you an Angel or prophet he also said no. So they asked him what are you then… All he said, was, ” I AM AWAKE “.


    When the Buddha was ask if he was God, He said no. He was asked, are you an Angel or prophet he also said no. So they asked him what are you then… All he said, was, I AM AWAKE.

    So in the presence of an awakened Master, finally there is no choice, and no option, but to accept the fact that He is me and I am in fact awake in the mind of God right now. The time it takes is irrelevant and the process will accelerate to the point of never ending expansion of self-realization beyond the limits of body or ego. I can say I have had that opportunity and now present it to you. I am only one who has begun to see the Light. I am one who has no other purpose in life but to share in this Great Awakening with you, for we are one, and everything in the Universe is calling us to open our eyes and be Awake. I cannot begin to list all the ways I have come to see the light and experience the Truth these past many years, but I can say, that each and every experience has led me to this moment, with you reading this page and now waking up with me.


    Welcome to the Light!

    This is what we really are!

    Thank you for Joining us.

    ….. Tony C.

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